Giving Back and being a part of my community is very important. The following are some of the ways I'm involved.
There are so many wonderful organizations out there and I have selected just a couple that I am involved with at the moment.
Habitat for Humanity of Shelby County
Shelbyville, Kentucky
I am fortunate to sit on the Board of this organization and I am able to utilize my experience as an event planner/coordinator to focus on the fundraising side.
About Habitat: Habitat for Humanity of Shelby County is an affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International. We are a nonprofit, ecumenical Christian housing ministry that seeks to eliminate poverty stricken housing and homelessness from the world, and to make decent shelter a matter of conscience and action.
HFH of Shelby County began in 1990 with the desire to partner with the people of the community to help those in need of decent, affordable housing. Habitat sells houses to qualified families at no profit with zero interest loans. Kentucky Housing Corporation services mortgage payments pro bono for Habitat for Humanity of Shelby County.
Habitat builds alongside families who demonstrate the need and willingness to partner with Habitat. Habitat offers a hand up, not a hand out to families who invest 400 "sweat equity" hours building their house and working in our warehouse. Their monthly mortgage payments help fund the construction of more houses.
More: http://www.HabitatShelbyKY.org/
Round Rock Area Serving Center
Round Rock, Texas
2018 marks my 12th year being involved with this great organization in Texas. My focus has been as their event coordinator for their Karamu event.
About RRASC: We are a Texas non-profit corporation, also known as the Serving Center, carries out a community-wide mission of churches, other organizations and individuals serving human needs in the City of Round Rock and surrounding areas.
Services provided include a food pantry, Round Rock Coats for Kids, clothing & furniture vouchers, Computers for Kids, community gardens, The Volunteer Center, adult computer classes in English & Spanish, a charity thrift store, and financial assistance for utilities, rent, prescriptions, transportation, and temporary lodging.
“Treasures Charity Resale Shop & Boutique” is a clothing and furniture thrift store that is open to the public. Clients shop with vouchers for clothing and furniture. Revenue from sales supports the food pantry and social service programs. Donations of clothing, books, furniture, and appliances are needed! For furniture pick up, call 244-2431.
In 2015, the Serving Center assisted a total of 48,491 under-privileged, low-income people and families-in-crisis from 12,385 households with food and financial assistance. The food pantry filled 11,380 food vouchers, and 6,666 households were served from Fresh Food for Families. A total of $948,388 was spent on client services, and $140,731 was given in clothing and furniture vouchers.
More: http://www.RRASC.org
Leadership Shelby
Shelbyville, Kentucky
I am fortunate to serve on the Board for this great organization as well. Utilizing my event planning skills, my focus is on
organizing events / Special Events Co-Chair.
About Leadership Shelby: Our Mission is to develop leaders who exhibit integrity, dedication and selfless service resulting in positive change for our community.